Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Cinquain poem

Here are my poems. 

Monkeys (title)

Monkey. (2)
The monkey swings. (4)
Who stole my banana?(6)
You guessed it, it was a monkey. (8)
They're cool. (2)

Pencil (title)

pencils. (2)
We all use them. (4)
Pencils make us happy. (6)
Lots of pencils are colourful. (8)
Pencils. (2)

Here is what to do.
You need to give your poem a title. Then you need to give a subject with 2 syllables. Then you need to describe with 4 syllables. After that, you need to put action with 6 syllables. Next, you have to put feeling into your poem with 8 syllables. And finally, put a conclusion using 2 syllables.

These are the rules.

1. only 5 lines of syllables
2. syllable pattern 
3. Can rhyme but does not have to. 

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