Wednesday, March 25, 2020

New Zealand song/video

I hope you guys can click on the video, comment down below if you can't. If you can't, then I will try and fix it.

Hi everyone, Meka, Eden (who was sick on the day) and I, we made this song about New Zealand because Miss Farr (our teacher) wanted us to learn more about New Zealand. When Meka and I were recording the audio I said tweety instead of a treaty, (so don't get confused about what I said because I accidentally said tweety, not treaty.) :)
I had so much fun making this video and the song because it felt like I was an actor. I can't wait to do any country I want. because Miss Farr said that we had to do New Zealand as a starter, so we can get the hang of it. She said after we do New Zealand we can do any country we want. 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Tantalising Transformation.

This week Miss Farr made this slide for us to work on. We could do it in our books or on our computer. I did it in my book and on my computer. There are 7 slides about symmetry, reflection, rotation and transformation questions that you have to answer. The thing that was most challenging for me was probably enlargement. The thing that was easiest for me was line of symmetry. The thing that was the fun part of this activity was working with people and listening to the Transformation style song. Translation style.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Word of the week - week 4 - Term 1

Hi, it's me, Katelyn.
This is my word of the week.
As you can see I have a lot of synonyms and Antonyms.
 That is because today when my class and I were on the mat Miss Farr said that we aren't doing quality word of the weeks and said that we have to write down all of the words that we could find. So I did what she said. The thing that was easy for me was finding antonyms and synonyms because I used this website called thesaurus, it is really helpful when I do word of the week. The thing that was the hardest for me was finding out what the word actually means. I think that I could do a better sentence next time. What I thought the word meant something fast, like a cheetah.