Thursday, December 24, 2020

Summer Learning Journey - Pigpen turtioal video

I decided that I wanted to make a video to teach people how to do pigpen writing because I like doing it. This video is getting posted today because I was trying to make it good and it took a while. I enjoyed making this video because it was fun to teach people stuff. It was difficult because I wanted music but you could not really hear my voice.
I hope you enjoyed the video :)
By Katelyn.M
Merry Christmas!
Do you know how to do pigpen?
What is one thing that you learned from my video?

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Summer Learning Journey - Pigpen code writing


Pigpen writing is used when you want to say something in private to someone. For this activity, we had to work out what the pigpen writing said. When I first saw this I was like, I have no clue what I am doing, it looks too hard but I gave it a go and I found out I like doing pigpen writing. It is lots of fun. Then you had to make your own code. I enjoyed this activity because it is fun to do pigpen and learn how to do it. It was difficult because I did not know what beach I should do a clue on, but then I decided on what beach I wanted to do.
This is my code, can you work it out?
Hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn.M

Monday, December 21, 2020

Summer Learning Journey - Sanatas outfit


This activity is when you read this book then create your own outfit for Santa. I chose to do a rainy day outfit because the lace I live in always rains. That is how I got the idea. I enjoyed this activity because it was fun to explain why I did it. It was difficult because I had this tiny mouse and drew a huge picture, it took a long time. I hope you like it. 

Hope you enjoyed :)

By Katelyn.M

Do you like my outfit? If you do, why?

What is your favourite part about my outfit, and why?

Summer Learning Journey - My Sound Maker

 This activity is when you watch a video about Nanogirl talking about different sounds. Then we had to make our own sound maker. I made a platform then three different sizes in tubes all made out of paper. When I finished making everything, I tested it out to see if it works. It doesn't but at least now I know that it does not work and you do too. We had to make a video about how you make your invention. I enjoyed this activity because it was fun to experiment on how to make sounds. It was difficult to think of something that makes sound and to video it because you can barely hear my voice.

I hope you enjoyed it :)

By Katelyn.M

The things you need to make this is:

Four Sheets of Paper


Sunday, December 20, 2020

Summer Learning Journey - Song chorus


This activity is when you watch a video about a song could, we will rise. Then we got to make our own chorus. I made my chorus about that it is important to be together and better than before. I choose this background because I thought that it would go good with the chorus.
I enjoyed this activity because it was fun to rhyme the words, together and better.
This was hard because I could not find the right background and I was trying to think what this song would be about.
Hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn.M
If you did this chorus, what background would you pick?

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Summer Learning Journey - Haiku Poem

Kia Ora everyone!
This activity is when you watch a video about haiku poems and read an article about haiku poems. A haiku poem is a little poem with three lines and in each line is a number of syllables. A syllable is when you say words in parts, Kate - lyn or a dog is com - ing. The first line must be 5 syllables, the middle line must have 7 syllables and the last line has 5 syllables. I enjoyed this activity because it was fun to make and think about what I should say in my poem. It was difficult to make sure that there was the right amount of syllables for every line.

Hope you enjoyed :)

Summer Learning Journey - Which one does not belong?

This activity is when you look at these pictures and you have to write what you think is different about each picture. This activity was fun because it let me learn how different pictures can really be. This activity was difficult because sometimes a picture looked like nothing was different about it. I enjoyed this activity because, on the last slide, we gt to make our own. I choose to draw the pictures because I wanted to do a unicorn but there were not that many unicorn pictures that kind of look the same and because I just wanted to draw something. I hope you like my drawing, the picture of my drawing is at the bottom. 
I think you should try this out because it is lots of fun and you can learn lots of cool stuff.
Hope you enjoy :)
By Katelyn.M

Can you guess what is different about these four pictures?
Write in the comments below.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Summer Learning Journey - Optical Illusion


This is another activity for summer learning journey. This activity is all about optical illusions. We had to read about optical illusions then watch a video about optical illusions just so we know more about what they are and how they work. I choose to do this activity on paper. 
I enjoyed this activity because it was lots of fun to learn about optical illusions and get to draw one. It was hard to draw this because I was getting confused about how this optical illusion works. 
It was difficult to draw a straight line because I did not have a ruler, I tried to make it straight, it kind of work but kind of didn't but who cares, at least I tried. 
I think you should do this because it is lots of fun and you get to learn something that you would not normally learn.
I thought that it would be a good idea if I drew it in black pen so you could see it.
I hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn.M

Summer Learning Journey - Tānerore


For this activity, we had to watch two videos of people doing kapa haka and then someone drawing a kowhaiwhai. You had to draw your own Kowhaiwhai on paper or use a template. I choose to use the template and make a pattern with the koru. I enjoyed this activity because it was fun to draw the kowhaiwhai, choose the background and match it up. I think you should try this, it is lots of fun. It was difficult because when I was watching the people doing the kapa haka the video kept on stopping and restarting. This is a good activity because you get to learn about Tānerore. 
I hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn.M
What would you do differently?
What do you like the most from this blog post?
would you raver draw the kowhaiwhai on paper or Chromebook?

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Summer Learning Journey - Kick start literacy


This is another summer learning journey task. This activity is when you have to read this article (I listened to the article because that was an option) and answer some questions. Then you have to watch this video about two men on a boat then fill in the speech bubbles of what you think they are saying because in the video the men are saying nothing. 
I enjoyed this activity because the summer learning journey always has fun stuff that still makes you learn. It was fun to answer the questions because we normally don't do this at school.
It was difficult to wait because the internet was taking a while to load and I am not that patience but I waited and I am glad I did because it was so much fun. It was difficult to write stuff for Janet because there is only one line in the article about her, But I made it work. 
I think you should try this out :)
Hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn
Do you like my work?
If you do, why?

Monday, December 14, 2020

Summer Learning Journy - Art Colouring Book


Kia ora Everyone!
I am doing the summer learning journey this year. The summer learning journey is a learning opportunity that you can do over the school holidays. This activity is when you go to this website, when you go on the website there will be lots of different pictures you can choose to colour. When you have selected one of the pictures, you can colour your own version of the picture. When you have finished the picture you have to post it on your blog explaining what different colours you used. I enjoyed this activity because I have never done this before, it was a new thing for me. It was difficult because I did not want the people in the picture but it had to be like that. I suggest that you should try this out because it is lots of fun.
By Katelyn.M
Hope you enjoyed :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Three Little Pigs

 Kia ora Everyone!

In class, we have been learning to make comics. We had to make a storyboard about a story we know. I choose to do, The Three Little Pigs. It was the first thing that came into my head. I enjoyed this activity because it was fun to see what you can do with the pictures. It was easier to use this website than drawing it. It was difficult to find the right pictures. There were lots of options to choose from. I think you should try this out too. It is so much fun.

Hope you enjoyed :)

By Katelyn.M