Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Tips and tricks for a litter free lunchbox

WALT: help our families and other's useless waste in our lunchboxes.

We did this activity to help our families and others to find other ways to use less plastic and wrappers in our lunches. Did you know that Paroa is an Enviroschool and we are trying to get the bronze medal and start making the environment a better place. We found LOTS of ways to have a litter free lunchbox.
I can't wait to try making my own muesli bars!!!
From this activity, I really enjoyed learning about how you can have a litter free lunchbox.
Working as a team is helpful and sometimes hard because we have different brains about what we want.
I am really happy that I am sharing ideas to help others litter free
As a class, we talked and researched ways to use less plastic.
I found it challenging when I was trying to find helpful tips and tricks. I also found it challenging when I was working as a team.
Made by Katelyn and Jesse Kalani also joined Jesse and I and he found some pictures.
Enjoy :)

Monday, May 27, 2019

solve division problem using 5 times tables

This is my questions for maths medals. The questions are about division but we are working them out by using our 5 times tables. some of these questions are not able to figure out

Thursday, May 23, 2019

We are storytellers Brainstorm

Today we did an activity for We are storytellers.
We had to Brainstorm about a character we made up and say what they want in the beginning and what they need at the end.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

My Maths Quiz

This is my maths quiz for maths medals. Try and answer the questions right.
Made by Katelyn.M
Enjoy :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Literacy Medals. Term two week four

This is my literacy activities about what I am reading at school.
Enjoy :)
By Katelyn.M

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Recycling for Homework

Please don’t litter!!!

Why you should not litter: If you litter the rubbish can easily just go in the sea and kill sharks, turtles, whales and lots of other animals.

Did you know when you put something in the recycling bin some stuff can be turned into something else?

What can you recycle: You can recycle paper, metal and plastic bottles.

  The metal, paper and bottles get their own piles. Some metal goes to a special factory so it can get crushed and then squashed together from other recycling bins. Then chopped into little pieces. After that, those pieces are melted in a big hot oven and then poured into blocks. The blocks are then sent to other factories because the factories can make other things with the metal. Some metal that you throw away in the recycling bin they don’t go to the dump there become something new like a new metal can or a new roll of foil or even part of a bike and car.

Some old plastic milk jug can be turned into something different too. It is taking to a special factory where it makes the plastic get shredded to bits and melted into a really hot oven and makes little pellets. Factories take the pellets and make them into new things like clothing, carpet and lots more.
But the paper is a little bit different from plastic and metal. Some paper goes to a recycling centre so it can get mixed with other paper in lots of water. Then it gets all goopy so it is smashed together by two big rollers and the rollers turn the goop into big flat pieces. The pieces are then left to dry. After that, they’re then cut into sheets of paper so we can write on them or do art, all sort of things.

So ALWAYS recycle metal, plastic bottles and paper so our environment is BTB.

BTB stands for Better Than Before.

By Katelyn.M

Environment homework.

My class has homework about the Environment because we are an Enviroschool. This slide is about recycling. It is very important to recycle because if you just leave your rubbish around the animals will die and you don't want that to happen do you because imagine that you are an animal that at rubbish and then died. This slide will tell some stuff you might have not known.

A Obstacle in my life

Today for writing we looked at obstacles what has happened in our lives.

Environment for Blog X post


At my school we are an Enviroschool. If you don't know what an Enviroschool is don't worry you will soon find out because I will tell you. It is a school who cares about the environment and trying to stop all of the plastic going into the sea and our environment and if it goes in the ocean or our environment the animals eat the plastic and then the animals sadly pas away. So join us, and make our environment better. I know we can do it. At my school we made a school map about our school and put rubbish bins on the map about where all of the rubbish bins are. We also looked around our school with a list of all of the waste what was in our school and we ended up with 307 pieces of waste. We were shocked about how much waste was on our school grounds. We are trying to just recycle and compost and not just put it in any bin. We got rid of some of the bins last year because we are only going to use the recycling bin and the compost bin, so we can help the environment.

Friday, May 10, 2019

NZSL week songs and Te Reo also in English

Click this link if you want to go to a song!!!
Click this link if you want to go to a song!!!
Click this link if you want to go to a song!!!
Click this link if you want to go to the national anthem of New Zealand in sign language!!!
Thanks, have a great time learning NZSL and songs!!!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

A map of my school

Today my class and whenua we made a map of our school. My teacher put us into groups then my teacher gave us a section of our school so we can see how much waste there is in our school. We were shocked f how much waste there is in our school, we had 307 pieces of waste. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Compost for homework.

Please don’t litter!!!

Why you should not litter: If you letter the rubbish can easily just go into the sea and kill sharks,            turtles, whales and lots of other animals.
Did you know that you can put yucky old kitchen scrap foods can into the compost bin.
What is Compost: Compost is when you can grow flowers, fruit and vegetables.
How: Some decomposers turn the scrap food into compost. I know it does sound like a horrible job but they love it, And it is good they love it because we need the food. The food also does not come with plastic on it, so that means you are also not using plastic.
What can your compost bin be made out of: Your compost bin can be made out of wood, metal and plastic but I think you should not use the plastic. You want the compost bin to have holes so it does not smell and the bugs can get air to breathe like us humans.
By Katelyn.M