Friday, July 31, 2020

My information text

My Information text!
This week my teacher made us write notes about 3 different articles. Then write an information text with the notes. I enjoyed this activity because it was something I have not learned about before. It was difficult to write all of the information in my own words. It took me a long time to write this information text so I hope you like it! There is also a book called bright fine gold that Miss Farr read to us and said to take notes. But I sadly can't get a picture because it is not labeled for use. Maybe next time. :(
These are the articles if you would like to do what I have done but you have to do it in your own words.
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3

Article 1:
Gabriel Read got famous when he found gold near the Tuapeka River. 
The Otago provincial government offered £1000 dollars in a reward for the discovery of payable quantities of gold. His discovery of gold made the country’s first major gold rush. 

Article Two:
10 presents were from gold. The gold is found in the river and mud. He just found it on the floor. It was the first major gold rush in south lonuce. They didn’t get enough vitamin c.

Article 3:
Gold was found in waterways in the 1850s.
Rewards for finding gold were offered from the 1860s.
Gold was £10 million dollars compared with £3.57 million dollars from wool, and that means gold is way more valuable than wool.


Gabriel Read found gold in his pan. They went to Dunedin, there were a few roads in Otago. Miners had to go on rough tracks to reach Gabriel's gully. When they were there, they lived in tents and/or sacks. Some lived in caves as well. The weather was bad, especially in the winter. By Christmas, ten thousand miners were in Australia and California. They were usually the first ones to find gold. They had powerful hoses that could wash away hillsides. Maori had no use for gold.

Hope you enjoyed it.
I will be excited to see your comments down below!
By Katelyn.M


  1. Hi Katelyn I like your writing about your information text, it is amazing. Next time you could make sure your writing stays on the page. Good job.

  2. Hi Lailai.
    Thaks for the commet.
    For a log time no one has been commeting o my blog but now you have. YAY!
    How do you not let the writig go off the page?

  3. Hi Katelyn from Paroa School,
    I'd like to say that this is a huge ficition book for us to know but why did you decided to do this ? What was this related to? But I have to say just to make sure when you're writing the writing doesn't go off the blog page so people can read your fanstastic script. But keep up with your work.

  4. Hi Ema,
    Thanks for the comment. I will try and make it so the writing doesn't go off the page next time.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.