Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Challenge Cards - Perimeter


New Zealand is still in lockdown. 

Miss Farr (our teacher) has given us a lot of challenge cards to work our skills of perimeters. I took a screenshot of the challenge cards and put them on a slide so that I can put them on my blog. Most of this was easy in my opinion but one question I did not even read it probably, I was thinking too much of multiplying instead of adding.
I hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn

Paralympics - Lesson 2 - History of the Paralympics movement to Japan


New Zealand is still in Lockdown.

Kia Ora, Bonjour, Hello. How are you today? Hope you are all so amazing.
The New Zealand Paralympics team made this slide for schools around New Zealand for kids to complete. It has questions and articles and videos and lots of cool stuff. It teaches us about the Paralympics in different and fun ways. Yesterday I did the first lesson. Today I did the second lesson. This lesson is all about the history of the Paralympics and the movement to Japan. We had to think of three things that are different compared to the 1964 Tokyo Paralympics and the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics. Then we had to read this article. We had to find words that we didn't really understand and didn't know what it meant. We had to google it to find out. The words that I did not get were Impairment and Rehabilitation. It made a table that had a box for the word, a box for what I think it means and a box of what it actually means. After that, there were some questions to answer. I am not so sure that I think I got all the answers right but I tried. When all the questions were answered, we had to choose one from the bottom questions and explain why we choose to do disagree or agree. Then we had to make a paragraph on how the Paralympic Games were set up. I enjoyed this activity because I learnt a lot of interesting facts. This was difficult because it took a while and one of the activities was to have a class discussion. We are in level 4 at the moment so when it is level 2 then we can have class discussions again. 
I hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn

Monday, August 30, 2021

Paralympics - Lesson 1 - 1964 vs 2020


New Zealand is still in lockdown.

The New Zealand Paralympic team has made a slide for schools in New Zealand that kids can complete. They have sent our school this slide. It has 10 lessons about the Paralympics. This is the first lesson. We had to write down 5 things that we know about Japan. Then we had to watch these 3 videos. Video 1 Video 2 Video 3. We had to take notes to answer the then and now questions. I wrote these two activities on paper then put them on a google doc. I took a screenshot of it and put it on a google drawing. The next thing I had to do for this lesson was to create an infographic. I made a bar graph explaining how many people are in the Paralympics in the two different years, 1964 and 2020. The purple bar graph is the year 2020 Paralympics and the yellow bar graph is the 1964 Paralympics. 1964 Paralympics had 378 people competing and the 2020 Paralympics is 4,537. I wrote it on top of the bar so people would know too. I enjoyed this lesson because it was really fun to do everything in this lesson. This was difficult because I was going to make the bar graph on my Chromebook but I couldn't remember how. I emailed Miss Farr (our teacher) saying that I could not remember how to make it on my Chromebook. She said that I could do it on paper so that solved that problem.
I hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn

Friday, August 27, 2021



New Zealand is still in lockdown. 

Kia Ora, Bonjour, Hello. How are you?
Miss Farr (our teacher) has given us things to do while we are learning from home. Today`s activity is to do a quiz then pick one of the questions and research about it. We were allowed to do the quiz with our family. I did the quiz with my Mum. We got 14 out of 20 questions right. I choose to research about the Paralympics because at school, we have already researched about the Olympics so I thought that it would be cool to do the other Olympics. I made a video and a google drawing. I enjoyed this activity because it was fun to make the video and google drawing. It was also fun to learn about the Paralympics just in general. This was difficult because I could not find that many pictures of Trischa Zorn-Hudson (famous Paralympic athlete).
I hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Basic Fact Challenge Cards


New Zealand is still in lockdown.

Kia Ora, Bonjour, Hello. How has your day been?
Miss Farr (our teacher) has sent us a maths slide to fill out. I tried really hard to get the right answers right, I am not sure if I got all of them right. This was difficult because some of the questions were really hard. 
I hope you enjoyed:)
By Katelyn

Key Word hunt - Boy on a bike


New Zealand is still in lockdown.

Kia Ora, Bonjour, Hello. How are you today?
Miss Farr (our teacher) has sent us stuff to do while we are in lockdown. For Thursday, we have to read this online book about a nine-year-old boy who biked the length of New Zealand. He raised $7,000 for St Johns. This book is really cool and it is such a nice thing to do. After we read the book, we have to summarise the story. Summarising means that you are retelling the important parts of the story/book. Then we have to think of keywords/phrases of the book. After that, we have to use those keywords/phrases to write a brief summary. This was enjoyable because it was fun to read the book and to write a brief summary. This was difficult because I could not think of that many keywords/phrases. I think you should do something like this too because it is really fun and it is teaching you how to summerise.
I hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

History of dogs


New Zealand is still in lockdown.

Kia Ora, Bonjour, Hello. I hope you are all having an amazing day.
Miss Farr (our teacher) has sent us stuff that we need to do this week. If we have finished all our work for the day, then we can do a can-do. The can-do for today is to research about the history of dogs and to make a slide to teach other people about the history of dogs. I enjoyed this activity because it was fun to watch the video (the video that Miss Farr told us to watch) and actually find out about the history of dogs. My second favoutite animal is a dog. What is your favourite animal? This was difficult because I could not find that many good pictures, but that is fine. I think you should try this. Pick an animal of your chocie and research about it.
I hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Observational drawing


New Zealand is still in lockdown.

Kia Ora, Bonjour, Hello. How are you today? I hope you are amazing.
Miss Farr (our teacher) has sent us a google drawing that has things that we have to complete this week. If we finished the work for today then we can do the can-do`s. One of the can-do`s was observational drawing. Observational drawing is when you draw leaves of different types. I went outside in the backyard and front yard to look for leaves to draw. I found these 6 (the picture on top) leaves. I enjoyed this activity because it was fun to look at leaves because I usually don`t. This was difficult because I couldn`t really find that many leaves to draw because they all looked the same in my opinion. I think you should try this too.
I hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn

Limerick - Duck

New Zealand is still in lockdown.

Kia Ora, Bonjour, Hello. How are you today? I hope you are all amazing.
Miss Farr (our teacher) has sent us a google drawing that has all the stuff that we have to do for this week. There are things that you can do if you have finished your work for that day. I made a limerick poem because that was one of the can-do activities. A limerick is a short poem and it is normally funny (it doesn`t have to be funny) with 5/five lines. The first, second and fifth lines all have to rhyme. The third and fourth lines have to rhyme with each other as well. I choose to do a poem about a duck. I don`t know where I got this idea from. I came up with the first line then I just kept on doing the other lines. We already learned how to write a limerick poem 1 or 2 years ago, I can`t really remember. It was really fun to do it again. I decided to make my own picture of a duck in a pond/lake. I got one of Max`s (my dog) toys and took a picture of it. I took the background of the picture off then I got a picture of a lake/pond and only took a little bit of that picture of the water. Then I put the two pictures together and made my own picture. I think you should try and make a limerick poem too.
Hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn


Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers


New Zealand is still in lockdown.

Kia Ora, Hello, Bonjour!
Miss Farr (our teacher) has sent us a google drawing full of stuff that we have to do this week. Today the activity is to watch this video about converting improper fractions to mixed numbers. After we watch the video, there is this slide that we have to fill out. I worked the answers on a piece of paper then I put the answers on the slide. This was difficult because the video it did not talk about numbers that need to be turned into improper fractions. So the other different questions were a bit hard, but I did it like it was being reversed. This was enjoyable/fun because I got to learn a new skill. I think you should try this too.
Hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn.M

Monday, August 23, 2021

Word of the week - Week 5


Kia Ora, Bonjour, Hello Everyone. How are you today?
New Zealand is still in lockdown.
Today, I got an email from Miss Farr (our teacher). She sent us a google drawing telling us what to do for the week. Today (Monday) is a teacher-only day. So we did not have to do any work. I did the word of the week, I was supposed to do it on Wednesday but that is fine. The Word for this week is obligation. Obligation means that someone has a responsbility to do something. I enjoyed this activity because it was just fun in genrel, finding out what it meant. It was difficult to find a picture, so I prblemed sloved. I made a picture. The picture is someone carring a cart full of coal. This was really fun to do. I think you should try this too because then you can learn more stuff and build our vocabulary. 
I hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn

Friday, August 20, 2021

Banana Muffins - Whenua cook-off

Since it is a lockdown, Miss Farr (our teacher) said that we can have a class cook-off. Yesterday, my Mum and I were going to make banana muffins because we were saving some bananas for banana muffins. We forgot to make them yesterday though. I am so glad Miss Farr said that we can have a cook-off. Miss Farr's roommate is going to be judging how made the best creation. This was so fun. I have put a recipe on the google drawing above. I used the Chelsea recipe I added chocolate chips because I thought that it would be even yummier, it was yummier. This was enjoyable because it was really fun to make these and now we can eat something for dessert tonight. My Mum's explanation of these is on the goggle drawing.
I think you should make banana muffins
I hope you enjoyed this :)
By Katelyn.M


Thursday, August 19, 2021

Ghost Cities - Tianducheng, China, Replica of Paris


Hi. In New Zealand, there is a lockdown. Which means that it is online school again. Before lockdown, at school we have been learning about ghost cities. We had to pick a ghost city from this website. I choose tianducheng in China, it is a replica of paris. Then we had to make something to teach others about it too. I made a slide show, News report, Video, Podcast and a website. I am really proud of myself and happy that I have made all of this so that people can learn in different ways about tianducheng. I enjoyed this activity because it was fun to learn about something different because in class, we usally do not research about ghost cities. This was difficult because this work was due tommorrow and all I had was a few things on the website and a facts. But I tried my hardest to make all of this. On the website I was trying to put the podcast that I made onto it but it was not working. I hope you learnt something from this. 
I hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn.M

Friday, August 13, 2021

What I learnt this week for Maths


This week, one of the must do`s on the class site for maths was to make a DLO with what we learned this week. I learnt how to add and subtract fractions with proper (equal) and improper (unequal) denominators. I enjoyed doing maths this week because now I know I bit more about fractions because I use to be really confused but now I am not too confused. I enjoyed making this slide show because it was just fun in general. This was difficult because when I was working with Miss Farr, (our teacher)  I didn`t get one bit but now I do. It was fun to get the pictures and take pictures. 
Hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn.M

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Start of Olympics - Podcast - Google Drawing - Video


Hi! Kia Ora! Bonjour!
How are you today? I hope you feel amazing!
As you know, the Olympics is happening right now in the world. The Olympics is a sporting event. At school, Miss Farr (our teacher) said to research and make something to teach other people about the Olympics. I made a podcast, a video and a google drawing.  I enjoyed this activity because it was fun to make the video and video. It was cool to learn about it when it is going on around the world now. This was difficult because I was trying to get a lot of information about the Olympics so I can teach other people. 
I think you should make something to teach someone about the Olympics.
I hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn.M

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Max VS Batman - Wevideo


Hi! Kia ora! Bonjour!
This morning I made this video because I got this idea of a batman toy vs my dog. I got this idea because I gave Max (my dog) one of my old toys because Max loves to chew stuff and we recently got rid of Max's old toy because it stank and fluff was coming out. I thought that this would be really fun to do, and it was. I enjoyed this because the way Max bit batman's head, it wasn't planned. I was going to have them face off but then Max just took one look at batman and was like, yay toy! This was not difficult, I recorded this on a phone so it was easier to film instead of my Chromebook. I should of tried I bit more so the camera did not see my knees. This was really fun. You should try this one day.
Hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn.M