Thursday, May 16, 2019

Environment for Blog X post


At my school we are an Enviroschool. If you don't know what an Enviroschool is don't worry you will soon find out because I will tell you. It is a school who cares about the environment and trying to stop all of the plastic going into the sea and our environment and if it goes in the ocean or our environment the animals eat the plastic and then the animals sadly pas away. So join us, and make our environment better. I know we can do it. At my school we made a school map about our school and put rubbish bins on the map about where all of the rubbish bins are. We also looked around our school with a list of all of the waste what was in our school and we ended up with 307 pieces of waste. We were shocked about how much waste was on our school grounds. We are trying to just recycle and compost and not just put it in any bin. We got rid of some of the bins last year because we are only going to use the recycling bin and the compost bin, so we can help the environment.

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