Māori: Reka ngā kapapa huarākau. Anei ngā tohutohu. Tuatahi, horoia ngā kerepe. Tuarua, tīhoretia ngā huakiwi... ....ngā panana,me ngā ārani. Tuatoru, tapahia ngā huarākau kia iti. Tuawhā, werohia ngāhuarakau me ngā rare kōpungapunga. Tino reka ngā kapapa.
English: Fruit kebabs are delicious. This is how you make them. First, wash the grapes. Second, peel the apples, kiwifruit.... ... bananas, and oranges. Third, cut the fruit into small pieces. Fourth, put the fruit and the marshmallows on the sticks. The kababs are really delicious.
Ka Rawe Katelyn! How awesome. Once again another amazing blog post. I love reading all your posts as they show your passion for learning. Did you enjoy making these kepapa hurākau? What was your favourite part?