Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Summer Learning Journey - Week one - Activity 1

Here is the list of food I would take.
1. Apples
2. Pears
3. Apple juice
4. Big bottles of water
5. Coconut
6.  More apples
7.  Chocolates for Nainoa
8. More pears
9.  Peaches
10. Lots of fruit

By Katelyn. M


  1. Hey Katelyn!

    My name is Matilda. I live in Auckland, and this summer I am working as one of the blog commenters that will be reading and commenting on your blog posts. I am really looking forward to reading everything you post for the summer learning journey, and getting to know you a bit better!

    Thank you for this post! You have a really interesting list of foods to take on the trip! Well done. Peaches, coconut, pears and apples are all really yummy! Taking them to eat for three weeks would help you stay really healthy! You were clever to think of bringing some drinks too! I don’t think sea water would be very nice to drink for three weeks! Well done thinking to pack fresh water and juice.

    I wonder if you would start to get hungry with only fruit to eat? Can you think of some other foods that may be a bit more filling? If I was going to be away at sea, I think I would bring some pre-cooked pasta!

    Well done on this post! Keep it up!


  2. Hi Matilda, Thank you so much for liking my post. You are so nice. You might be on to something when you said that you would want bring something more filling than fruit. It would be really weird for me being away from home for three weeks, what about you, how would you feel like if you were away from home for three weeks?

  3. Morning!

    I think that a trip like this would be really exciting! I might start to get a bit homesick towards the end though?

    How do you think you would feel? Do you get homesick?

    Nice talking to you! :)


  4. Morning to you to Matilda. Well I don't usually get home sick, but when I do it is really bad. Three weeks ago I felt horrible, I was spewing. I think that I would not feel sick on the island and think I would just feel scared. Do you think there would be snakes or crocodiles on the island.

    1. Hey again!

      I think I would probably be a bit scared too! I hope there wouldn't be snakes or crocodiles!! That would be scary.

      Matilda :)

  5. Hi Maltilda, Yeah I hope there wouldn't been any crocodiles or snakes. What animal are you most scared of?

    1. Hey there!

      I'm probably most scared of snakes!

      What about you?


  6. Hey Matilda
    Yeah I am probably most scared of snakes too, but if it is not a poisonous snake and it is a friendly snake I would be most scared of the crocodiles.
    What would you do if you found a puppy in the bushes,all alone, and the puppy is shaking of fight?


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.