Thursday, December 19, 2019

Summer Learning Journey - Week one - Activity 3

The charity I choose was the SPCA. The SPCA takes care of animals who are hurt, sick, abused or abandoned. The SPCA helps take care and protect 40,000 animals each year! (That is a crazy amount of animals.) The SPCA finds abandoned animals and take care of them and finds a new home for each and every one of them, but first, the SPCA has to fix up the animal and see if it is hurt or sick or has been abused. The SPCA does a wonderful job at helping the animals.

By Katelyn.M

PS: I hope all of the animals all have an awesome home now.

Do you like animals?
Do you have an animal?
Do you want an animal? (If you don't have one.)


  1. Hi Katelyn
    Great work on these facts about the SPCA. I like animals, I have some sheep and cows.
    Keep it up

  2. Hi Molly.
    Thanks for liking all of my facts about the SPCA.
    How many sheep and cows do you have?
    I have a dog.

    1. Kia ora
      I have 11 chickens, 5 cows and 20 sheep

  3. Hi Molly.
    That is a lot of animals!
    When did you get the chickens because on the first comment you put just sheep and cows, no chickens?

    1. Hi Katelyn
      I just forgot about my chickens sorry. What type is your dog?

  4. Hello Molly
    That is fine that you forgot the chickens.
    My dogs bread is a miniature schnauzer.
    Which animal is your favourite out of your chickens, sheep or cows?

    1. Hey
      My favourite would be the chickens because they give us eggs and I love baking with them. What would be your favourite animal?

  5. Hi Molly
    Yeah mine would be the chickens too, because when I was little I had some chickens, and I used to just chase them and try to get the eggs but they chased me.

    1. Hey
      The chickens are just scared of me and run away when I am near, unless they are broody and are protecting there eggs they get so over protective. Do you still have chickens?

  6. Hi
    No I don't have the chickens anymore.
    How long now have you had your chickens for?
    When I chicken is broody, what dose that mean?

    1. Hey
      We have had our chickens for about 7 yrs. When a chicken is broody that means they want to hatch the eggs. This only happens when a roster jumps on them. We have a rooster so it can happen often with us. I don't go near chickens on there nests because I let my dad deal with them. Do you have any more questions?

  7. Hi Molly
    Yeah I do Have another question, Why don't you go near the chickens nest.
    Thank you so mush for commenting on my blog, you are so nice.

    1. well I mean only when it is broody because they start attacking you.

  8. Kia ora Katelyn,
    What a great charity to choose. The SPCA do some amazing work especially during this time of year. What is your favourite type of animal?
    Keep up the great blogging,
    Miss F

    1. Kia ora to you too Miss Farr,
      My favourite animal would probably be a dog, what's yours?
      Thanks for liking my post.


  9. Hi Katelyn,

    My name is Gabriel, and I am part of this year’s Summer Learning Journey team. I will be helping to comment on your amazing posts over the summer. It is such a wonderful experience to be able to read your blog. It’s great to see what you have done already!

    Great job on researching the SPCA! It’s wonderful to know that there are people out there to help all the in-need animals of New Zealand. Have you adopted any animals from the SPCA?

    Keep up the great work!


  10. Hello Gabe,
    Thank you so much for liking my SPCA post. Yes we have adopted a pet from the SPCA, it was a cat, but I do not have the cat any more because it ran away. Do you have a pet.


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