Friday, June 12, 2020

Water Worries

Some people don't even realize that water is such an important everyday thing.
After the Christchurch earthquakes, people have been very precious with their water and have realized that water is a very important resource. In the past, we didn’t use as much water as we do now. We get our water from lakes, streams, rivers, and even on top of our roofs in drains. Some water gets trapped by rocks, that's called groundwater. We don't see groundwater, you can't tell if it’s there or not but it's there. New water is never coming in, and no water is going out.
When we are brushing our teeth or drinking water, you could be drinking water from hundreds and thousands of years ago! (that's when the dinosaurs were here!)
Now every time you get some water from the tap, don't pour it down the drain because it’s the only water we got.

This week we had to read a book about water. We had to write an information report about water. It was cool when I learned that some water could be in this world for way more than only a couple of years. I am just amazed.
It was difficult to plan this writing because I lost my planning sheet.

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