Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Summer Learning Journey - Day 1 activity - Ring Glider

This is the first video to watch. 

This is the second video to watch.

Kia Ora, Bonjour Hello! How are you? Hope you are doing amazing.

This is the first Summer Learning Journey activity. This activity was actually for yesterday but I didn't finish it. I tried making a ring glider yesterday with goose paper (spare paper) so I can know how to do it without wasting expensive paper. The two colours I choose to do were yellow and orange because it reminded me of summer! I choose to do a ring glider because I have never made one before and it looked interesting to make. Today I decided to make a video, teaching other people how to make a ring glider. I found out that if you point the little ring first and the big ring behind then it goes faster than the other way. I enjoyed this activity a lot because I go to make something that can fly out of Paper and we also got to make a video teaching others. This was difficult because I was using Screencastify instead of We video. Screencastify had a limit of 5 minutes recording so that is why I have two videos. 
I hope this video and blog post can teach you how to make something you didn't know existed. (I know I sure did!)

I hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn.M


  1. Kia ora Katelyn,

    Wow it looks like you have been doing some fantastic mahi!

    Great work embedding your slides into your blog, although we can’t view them currently. Could you please share this file Anyone on the internet with this link can view so everyone can see it on your blog. Please let me know if you need help with this!

    Can’t wait to see your awesome videos.

    Ngā mihi,

    1. Kia ora Katelyn,

      Once again you have done a fantastic job outlining the steps for this activity. Well done speaking clearly and confidently in your video! I might have to give this a try and make a ring glider following your instructions.

      Great job being resourceful and testing your creation before making the final plane. Did having a practice attempt make it easier to create your plane? It’s awesome to see you figured out the best way to fly it, having the little ring at the front.

      It’s such an interesting shaped plane, and it is impressive that it flies so well! Did you expect it to fly as well as it does?

      Keep up the awesome mahi!

      Ngā mihi,


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