Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Summer Learning Journey - Kick start literacy


This is another summer learning journey task. This activity is when you have to read this article (I listened to the article because that was an option) and answer some questions. Then you have to watch this video about two men on a boat then fill in the speech bubbles of what you think they are saying because in the video the men are saying nothing. 
I enjoyed this activity because the summer learning journey always has fun stuff that still makes you learn. It was fun to answer the questions because we normally don't do this at school.
It was difficult to wait because the internet was taking a while to load and I am not that patience but I waited and I am glad I did because it was so much fun. It was difficult to write stuff for Janet because there is only one line in the article about her, But I made it work. 
I think you should try this out :)
Hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn
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