Friday, August 20, 2021

Banana Muffins - Whenua cook-off

Since it is a lockdown, Miss Farr (our teacher) said that we can have a class cook-off. Yesterday, my Mum and I were going to make banana muffins because we were saving some bananas for banana muffins. We forgot to make them yesterday though. I am so glad Miss Farr said that we can have a cook-off. Miss Farr's roommate is going to be judging how made the best creation. This was so fun. I have put a recipe on the google drawing above. I used the Chelsea recipe I added chocolate chips because I thought that it would be even yummier, it was yummier. This was enjoyable because it was really fun to make these and now we can eat something for dessert tonight. My Mum's explanation of these is on the goggle drawing.
I think you should make banana muffins
I hope you enjoyed this :)
By Katelyn.M



  1. They certainly look great Katelyn. Have you made anything else?

  2. Hi Holly,
    I actually have made something else. My Mum and I made a cookie skillet. It was so good. Have you made anything?
    From Katelyn


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