Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Limerick Poems

There once was a unicorn
She was always scared of corn
Magic Powers that she do
She did a colourful poo
She had clothes that she outworn

There once was a girl named Elise
Her friends Dad is a police

She loves to draw lots of cats
Once she has seen rats
She sometimes and usually says please

Kia Ora, Hello, Bonjour everyone! How is your day?
Recently we have been learning how to write different kinds of poems. This is a limerick. A limerick has 5 lines. The pattern of what words ryhme is AABBA. Which means that the two top lines and the bottom line rhyme and the third and fourth lines rhyme. I enjoyed making these two poems because it is really fun in general. It was hard to try and think of things that can rhyme though. Soe of the sentences don't really make that much sense, but it rhymes.

Hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn

1 comment:

  1. Hi katelyn, its Yazmin from Haast school here. Remember me?
    Love these Limerick peoms we have had to do them at school too! Maybe check some of your spelling and if it makes sense!


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