Monday, September 13, 2021

Paralympics - Lesson 7

Kia Ora, Bonjour, Hello. How has/was your day been?
This is another Paralympics lesson, this is lesson 7. First, we had to read a piece of writing about Someity. Someity is the mascot of the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics. They show determination and try their hardest. After that, we had to watch a video about Someity. Then we had to write what colours and symbols we think represent New Zealand. Then we had to answer the questions about Someity. We then got to design a New Zealand mascot for 2020 Paralympics (it would not actually be the mascot). I made 3 drafts then I drew one that I liked. I named them based on what they looked like. My Dad thought of the name for Wheely William because I could not think of a name. My Dad said that he saw someone in a costume at his work that looked like Jessica (draft 2), with the cap and everything. I liked Wheely William the most because he represents the Paralympics most with his wheelchair. I coloured William in and wrote NZ Paralympics on him but you can't see it so I wrote next to the picture what it says (it does not say write on it, I just wanted to make sure that people know what was writen on it). I enjoyed this lesson because it was fun to draw the pictures. This was difficult because I was trying really hard to get a good mascot but it was still fun. I made all the mascots into kiwis. 
Hope you enjoyed :)
By Katelyn.M


  1. Hi Katelyn, Im Pitara a year 8 student from Glenbrae school I just wanna say that that your drawing is amazing , I also liked how you described each of the mascots. Good work !!

    1. Hi Pitara,
      I am glad that you liked the way I described the mascots I created. Thank you for liking my blog post and my drawings. What would you have drawn for a New Zealand Paralympic team mascot?
      From Katelyn

  2. Hello Katelyn, my name is Jaydin and I am a year 8 student at Glenbrae school, I just wanted to say that your drawing looks amazing and I also liked how you described each of the mascots. Keep up the great work and have a wonderful day. :)


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